Singapore-ETH Centre feiert fünfjähriges Jubiläum

Diese Woche zeigt eine Ausstellung im ETH Hauptgeb?ude die Forschungsarbeit des Future Cities Laboratory (FCL) in Singapur. Die Forschungsgemeinschaft des FCL gibt einen Einblick in die Entwicklung des FCL als eine innovative, internationale Plattform für urbane Forschung. Das Jubil?um bietet auch Anlass für eine Zwischenbilanz. 

Visualisation of one of FCL's research projects focussing on Singapore’s Rochor district. (Illustration: FCL)
Visualisation of one of FCL's research projects focussing on Singapore’s Rochor district. (Illustration: FCL)

In 2010, ETH Zürich founded the Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability (SEC) under an agreement with Singapore’s National Research Foundation. It was a significant step because for the first time, ETH was establishing a major facility outside Switzerland. The first SEC programme, called ‘Future Cities Laboratory’ (FCL), has the aim of producing the knowledge and ideas that will be needed for cities to develop sustainably.

Vergr?sserte Ansicht: Peter Edwards

Prof. Peter Edwards, Singapore-ETH Centre, reflects upon the achievements of the Future Cities Laboratory and asks whether it has all been worthwile. Read his article here.

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